DanielAraya on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/danielaraya/art/JLA-CG-Concepts-Superman-180836479DanielAraya

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JLA CG Concepts - Superman



A few weeks ago, just for fun I started doing concepts for a faux Justice League CG movie. I've always been a huge fan of Bruce Timm and the DC Timmverse he helped create, and I thought it would be cool to basically design the JLA movie that I would direct if given the chance. I didn't do any huge drastic changes because I didn't want to betray the characters in terms of who they are and what they're about. I just wanted to build on what's already been established and tweak things the way I saw them. I was going to wait until I had more artwork before I posted this, but with all the freelance I've got, I don't think I'll be able to work on this again for a while.

THIS IMAGE: Superman is a wholesome, good-natured guy with antiquated notions of heroism, and that's what I like about him. He represents a more honest hero, and SO many people don't like him because he's too corny, or not badass enough, and I think that's ridiculous. I hardly touched his costume at all because I wanted him to look corny and I wanted his image to reflect the dated quality of his beliefs. I really don't like when people try to make him like, this dark, violent, angry guy just for the sake of making him cooler.

Anyway I tried to make him primarily out of chunky square shapes, and I went as far as taking away the angles on his boots to make them a little more chunky and plain. I think he should be a big character to emphasize the fact that he's all about IMMENSE power and protectiveness. I know a lot of people say that he shouldn't be big because nothing would give him a workout, but I disagree because

1) Every time I see him lift something, he looks like he's straining real hard. Whether it's a car, a piece of rubble, a building, it all seems to be difficult for him.

2) The design reflecting the spirit of the character is more important to me than whether or not he'd be big in real life. He's powerful and he's protective, that's what I want my design to emphasize.
Image size
1100x1273px 95.6 KB
© 2010 - 2024 DanielAraya
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ShadOBabe's avatar
Hmm, I'm confused what you mean by "antiquated" notions of heroism.
I think Superman's views and attitudes towards heroism are all still perfectly valid. Selfless, hopeful, kind, empathetic, and a desire to help and protect EVERYONE. That's not antiquated at all. That IS a hero.

That said, OMG is he cute here!
I just wanna give him a big hug and go get some ice cream with him.